Webinars and Workshops

Professional Development Opportunities for Faculty

The STEM Transitions team at CORD offers faculty professional development for both community college and high school groups in several formats. Choose from one-hour webinars or single and multi-day workshops.

Webinars are delivered to groups of up to 20 faculty members, at times convenient for participants. One-hour sessions provide a guided tour of the STEM Transitions website, procedures for creating a user account, demonstrations of three to four integrated projects of your choice, suggestions for implementation at either the secondary or postsecondary level, and question/answer time with project staff. No special software is required – just a speaker phone and computer with Internet connection. Larger groups may wish to use an LCD projector and screen for easy viewing.

Workshops can be delivered in single or multi-day formats and are designed to lead teams of faculty through the process of developing their own integrated projects, using context from existing technical courses to make math and science concepts more relevant to students. The resulting projects developed by collaborating faculty will provide contextual lessons for use in both technical (CTE) and academic courses. The ideal faculty teams will be comprised of math, science, and technical faculty members from the same institution. However, workshop content and format can be customized to meet the needs of various combinations of disciplines/program areas. Additionally, workshops for high school faculty help participants align project content to state academic standards.

To learn more about STEM Transitions professional development options: